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发布时间:2020-04-09 09:10:56

As of today, SUEZ offers to reinforce support measures and to provide additional financial resources to fight Covid-19 involving all its stakeholders - clients, employees, suppliers, managers, shareholders. For all its clients, since the virus appeared in January, SUEZ has been greatly mobilized across the world to help all our customers, large, small, private individuals and industries, around its missions: water treatment and distribution, waste collection and recovery. Responsible for providing essential services, SUEZ plays a key role in public health, with the help of its partners. Bertrand Camus, SUEZ CEO, stated, “SUEZ is currently mobilized to provide our customers with essential services during the global sanitary crisis. Due to its geographical span and scope, and thanks to the solidity of its balance sheet, the Group can set up solidarity contributions in addition to its operational commitment.”


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